The Brazilian economic model don´t fit on the tripod:
economically viable, socially fair and ecologically correct. We live in a
country that stimulates consumption and consequent waste. The School may
strength values and attitudes on daily actions. The focus of the project is the
food conscious consumption, once we believe that trough new habits like
selection, storage, prepare and full use of food it is possible to avoid waste
and preserve the planet resources.
diagnosis of how is food wasted at school we conclude that we would make full
use of food during prepare and we noted that waste occurs mainly in the
preparation phase and not during consumption of the food.
Due to
lack of information we trash fruit shells and vegetables leaves and stalks that
most contain nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fibers in even bigger
amounts in usually consumed parts of these products. The waste is also seen in
excessive buying, lack of domestic planning and incorrect storage.
next step was to qualify our students on a food integral usage course with the
purpose of make multipliers and aware more people that non conventional parts
of food are nutrient rich once the lack of people´s knowledge on nutritional
properties of food is one of the main factors that leads to food waste.
course constituted of theory classes focusing healthy alimentation, the
nutrients, the nutritional values of shells, stalks and seeds and basic food
prepare sanitation.
practice, recipes were selected, made and tasted by students, which learned
that it is possible to have a healthy alimentation without wasting food.
With the purpose of multiply the practice of food full
use and stimulate a healthy alimentation and avoid waste, the students selected
some recipes and prepared meals for school community.
these actions the project tried to show that everyone is connected to a
lifestyle and consequently the environment suffer the impact of our actions. It
is very important to realize that these activities contribute to the formation
of people aware of the environment they live.
that it is necessary that these actions be constant, accessible and connected
to local reality and treated at the most concrete way possible, once students
learn a lot with their life experiences with all kind of experience
opportunities they have access. Therefore the goal was achieved but also gave
the certainty that there is much work to be done to create the change and the
commitment so necessary to a sustainable world.
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